Our junior program is for girls and boys ages 6-11. Along with the physical benefits of strength, flexibility and improved cardiovascular capacity, our junior program teaches life skills, modifies behavior and reinforces character development.

Beginner classes are offered four times a week (see class schedule for junior white belt); students attend any two classes. Regular attendance offers a structured system for promotion (see our belt requirements) and belt advancement tests are conducted every four months to give students a way to see measurable results.

We start new junior classes three times a year, in the middle of January, May and September (check the schedule on our home page). To get your child started, simply call us at (202) 526-4119 or email us to reserve a spot in our next class. You will be contacted one week before the new class begins to confirm an appointment for a complimentary introductory class. For your appointment, print and bring this guest waiver form with you and dress your child in something loose and comfortable. Your child will meet the staff, learn about the school and take his/her first class. At the same time, Kwang Jang Nim O'Kelly will conduct an information orientation with all parents. You may then make a decision to enroll your child to become part of our new white belt class.